About Us

We are a team of professionals with a passion in satellite communications. We are dedicated to providing you only the best experience so you can focus on what matters most: your mission

Our story

POULSAT has developed customizable true broadband connectivity solutions that will meet the expectations of most markets.  Innovation and Customization are our strengths.  Where can we connect you today?

Created in 2004

Headquarters: Washington DC

Worldwide presence: Abidjan, Accra, Cotonou, Dakar, Malabo, Kinshasa, Casablanca, Georgetown (Guyana)

Coverage Global

Doing business in English, French and Spanish

POULSAT Experience

POULSAT has a proven experience working with the private sector, government and military, communities and educational institutions, and NGOs. Some of our customers include Orange, Airtel, Libtelco, the US Peace Corps, the US Department of State, US Defense contractors

Corporate & Social Responsibility

Our self-assigned mission is to provide universal connectivity the most intelligent way. We use innovation in satellite technology and customization to develop sustainable solutions for the unconnected regions. And we do so the most economical way, while training the community, creating jobs.


2101 L Street, NW Suite 300
Washington, DC 20037

Call Us

USA +1.202 835-1686
+1 202 683-9954

Africa +225 07 09 78 78 78
+229 66 75 50 42


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